Tofutti Ice Cream

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Where to Buy: Your local health food store

Price: Anywhere from $6.00-$9.00

When I first became vegan, I found ice cream a real tough one to substitute as I wasn’t really vibing on the options available in the supermarket. I thought my days of creamy, frozen treats were over until I stumbled across Tofutti ice cream. The Tofutti ice cream range offers a whole host of flavours including old classics like chocolate and vanilla but also more adventurous creations like almond bark and my favourite, better pecan.

The best thing about this product is the texture; it’s smooth and soft with an added element that can only be described as ‘creamth’. It’s perfect as an accompaniment to a cake or pie and a great addition to a smoothie or shake but it’s as equally as delicious straight out of the tub.

I can quote several of my non vegan friends as saying that they prefer Tofutti over dairy based iced confections, if that isn’t a good enough recommendation I don’t know what is!

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The Sweetest Vegan
14 years ago

Will be trying this ice cream, no doubt!

14 years ago

I am not really impressed by tofutti “ice cram” Purely Decadent from Turtle Mountain is way better also So Good brand is better.

14 years ago

It’s all about the CREAMTH baby!

14 years ago

I was so excited when I saw this post however after doing a bit more research I found this in a newsletter from the Cruelty Free Store in March 2007:
Tofutti not vegan
The Cruelty Free Shop will no longer be stocking the Tofutti range as, thanks to one of our vigilant customers, we have discovered that they are made with sugar refined using bone char. The following is a quote from the Tofutti manufacturers website. Most of our frozen dessert products use cane sugar. We assume that the sugar is refined with animal bone char since this is a fairly common procedure in the sugar refining industry. Please keep in mind that all sugar refining in this country is done by a handful of companies, who establish their own procedures for refining sugar. Please note that this statement applies to sugar processed in the USA where Tofutti is manufactured.
Sorry to burst your bubble if this still applies or have things changed since then?!

Lucy Norman
Lucy Norman
13 years ago

Some health food stores also sell Tofutti “cuties” – little ice cream sandwiches (like Monarco bars) that are available in chocolate and vanilla. They’re my favourite πŸ™‚

13 years ago

Do they usually sell this at Natural Tucker in Newcastle? I have only ever seen the tofutti cuties there…unless I am just going blind lol.