“Chicken” and Creamed Corn Soup

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Difficulty: Easy

Serves 4-6

Now I have mentioned before that I’m not a great lover of soup, but I am yet to mention my irrational fear of corn. No sir, I do not not trust corn kernels; the way they squeak when they come into contact with each other or teeth is almost too much for me to handle. Since I do in fact enjoy the taste of corn, I have been trying to overcome this fear by cooking with it. This soup is deliciously tasty and works well as the perfect accompaniment or as a meal on its own. Has this soup cured me? I do hope so, now I can focus on my issue with sliced tomato…


  • 2 – 3 Massel chicken style stock cubes (depending on your taste)
  • 3-4 cups boiling water
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 2 cups mock chicken chunks, finely sliced
  • 2 tablespoons mock fish sauce (or soy sauce)
  • 150g of silken tofu
  • 3 420g cans of creamed corn
  • 3 spring onions, finely sliced


  1. In a bowl, add the stock cubes to the water and set aside.
  2. In a large pot, lightly fry the garlic and mock chicken pieces.
  3. Add the stock, and fish sauce and bring to the boil.
  4. With a fork, roughly stir the silken tofu and add to the pot.
  5. Add the creamed corn and spring onions and stir.
  6. Once heated, take off the heat and serve.
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14 years ago

Where do you get your ‘chicken’ chunks from? I usually order mock meats from online stores as there’s jacksh@! in the way of alternative gorcery stores around my area, could you post some links and/or addresses? Cheers 🙂

Tofu- thanks for everything!
Tofu- thanks for everything!
14 years ago

I’ve gotta say, Chelsey’s productivity has gone through the roof.
This looks dope!

12 years ago

Hi there! I also live in Newcastle, where abouts is this Asian grocery that you speak of? I’m keen to give this recipe a crack 🙂 Thanks!

Katerina Mattock
Katerina Mattock
7 years ago

I love this recipe. I add some tamari, sesame oil and rice wine. I love the use of the soft/silken tofu.