3 Ingredient Pomegranate Froyo Pops

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Difficulty: Easy

Makes 6

What the actual heck is up with the weather in Australia rn, you guys?! I know it’s summer but your girl isn’t coping with these 30+ degree days. To help cool down, I’m pumping out loads of frosty treats like these Pomegranate Froyo Popsicles.

Froyo Pops

Froyo Pops


  • 1 1/2 cups plain vegan yoghurt (I prefer soy)
  • 1/2 cup pomegranate juice
  • 1/2 cup pomegranate arils


  1. Blend together the vegan yoghurt and pomegranate juice until well combined.
  2. Sprinkle some pomegranate arils into the bottom of each ice block mould.
  3. Fill each mould half way with the yoghurt mixture and sprinkle in the remaining arils before filling to the top with the yoghurt mixture.
  4. Add a couple more arils and then the sticks and/or lid to the ice block mould and freeze overnight.
  5. Once set, gently remove from the moulds and serve immediately.

Froyo Pops

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