WTF is up with Like A Vegan?

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If you follow me on here, Facebook and/or Instagram you may have noticed a little less action on the content-front. Was this a planned thing? Nope. Was it much needed? I guess so. But I thought I’d check in to let you all know WTF is happening with Like A Vegan (hint: in the words of Diddy “we ain’t goin’ nowhere”)

I’ve been kinda busy! 

That’s the first and most obvious reason for a lack of posting across the socials. I don’t know if you know how much effort (not to mention actual cost) it takes to keep a blog full o’ content but it’s a lot – especially when it’s on top of a full-time gig. I’ve been travelling for work heaps too, which means I don’t have as much time to cook, shoot, write etc.

Instagram kinda sucks ATM (but that’s ok)

I’m not going to bore you with more of the Instagram algorithm shit because you’ve gotta be living under a rock to not already know the deal with that. Of course Instagram engagement doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things but all I will say is – if you like someone’s stuff, let ’em know by chucking them a like and comment.

I kinda want to switch things up

Ultimately I post what I want, when I want because that is why I started Like A Vegan in the first place (which is why I’m not too worried about the whole IG thing). What I am feeling right now is to post more varied content, shorter pieces (like quick reviews), on a more regular basis. So that’s what I’m going to do!

So, in the interests of keeping it brief, that’s about it from me for today. I’ve got a few new ideas for post series’ floating around but I would love to know what you want to see too – let me know in the comments.

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