The Ultimate Margan Experience

If you’re after a premium vegan day out in the Hunter Valley, look no further than Margan in Broke. Those who have been following me for a minute would know that I am no stranger to Margan, who invited me out for a third time to enjoy their Ultimate Margan Experience* in June.

And what an experience it is! Kick off your day with a guided tour around the grounds, garden and winery, tasting wines and learning about them along the way. Did you know Margan is on track to becoming 100% organic? I learned this fun little fact just before taking a stroll through the Kitchen Garden, where Margan grow basically everything they cook. To be honest, this is probably my favourite part of the property.

After exploring the garden, we worked our way through the winery, being educated on the wine making process along the way. Want to know another fun fact? From the 2021 vintage onwards, all Margan wines are now vegan, so we got to try several different kinds before sitting down to an incredible vegan degustation.

Kicking things off with olives and bread (I mean is there a more perfect combo?) we were then presented with sunflower seed hummus, grilled pumpkin, kale and black olive oil. I can still hear the crunch of that kale! This was served with a glass of the Margan Rose 2021, a wine so good, I had to pick up a bottle to take home!

Next, it was the potato gnocchi with swiss chard, lemon, sage and pangrattato (that’s breadcrumbs for us less fancy folk) and I mean, can you ever go wrong with pasta? This was served with the Margan Fordwich Semillon 2021 and I don’t know what it is about this place but I literally like all of the wine (yes, even the reds!)

I loooooove Jerusalem artichoke so you bet I was pumped when I saw this one on the menu. The Jerusalem artichoke, yacon, celery and parsley was definitely the highlight of the meal for me. Yacon is often referred to as the Peruvian ground apple and damn, I think I have discovered a new fave. They even let me take one home which I grated into a salad (it was so delish!) This dish was served with the Margan Ceres Hill Albarino 2021.

And it didn’t stop there! We were then served the pressed red cabbage, beetroot, radicchio and horseradish which was so bloody good I can barely describe it. Just look at those layers! This dish was paired perfectly with the Margan Ceres Hill Barbera 2019.

Dessert was roast pear sorbet, poached quince and walnut served with the Margan Botrytis Semillon 2021. I can’t get enough of quince or pear, so this was the most delightful way to wrap up the meal.

While the food and wine at Margan are truly delightful, it’s the atmosphere that makes this place so special. The fresh air, the gardens and most importantly the knowledgable and friendly staff, who always go above and beyond to make each visit more memorable than the last.

Oh, did I mention Margan is dog-friendly?! I see a visit with Brett in my future.

*PR invite

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